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About NEPR Fees

New England Peer Review, Inc. (NEPR) is not a membership organization, but a non-profit corporation that exists solely for the purpose of administering the AICPA & New England Peer Review Program. The Executive Committee sets the fee structure.


Why do we have to pay fees to NEPR?

NEPR's administration of the Peer Review Program is self-supporting, we do not receive subsidies of any kind. The NEPR Committee reviews the budget and expenses on a regular basis along with the NEPR fee structure. We continually explore cost containment methods although there are, as in your own firms, fixed expenses that are continually rising.

What are the fees and what are they used for?

Annual fees are billed for the fiscal year of May through April and cover costs associated with the administration of the program over a three-year cycle.

The scheduling and evaluation fee is assessed only in the year of the review and is used, in part, to pay technical reviewer and Report Acceptance Body expenses.

What are "personnel" in reference to the fee structure?

Personnel are defined in “Statement on Quality Control Standards (SQCS) No. 7 - A Firms System of Quality Control” as all individuals who perform professional services for which the firm is responsible, whether or not they are CPAs. (AICPA Professional Standards, vol. 2 QC sec. 10). This would include personnel, including leased and per diem employees, who devote at least 25% of their time in performing audits, reviews, compilations, or other attest engagements, or those professionals who have partner/manager level responsibility for the overall supervision or review of such engagements.